Я в шоке от собственной тупости. Ну кто-нибудь, кроме меня, мог догадаться с таким опозданием, почему Реми так спешит на встречу со старыми друзьями, и почему она вообще решила собрать всех вместе?
Йа тормоз.
UPD.: А вот весьма интересная рецензия на фильм (могу потом перевести, если нужно):
читать дальшеBuried throughout the flashbacks are small pieces of charm that give us real insight into Remy and her complexities. In one early scene we see the top of her dresser, on which is a lipstick and several bullets, which look almost identical next to each other. Her vanity license plate reads "SEE YOU AGAIN", which we learn later is a slogan of hers. We realize, this woman was the constant in the lives of five men engaged in a brutal war and continually came out of the most demanding situations unscathed. In their lives, she lies somewhere between mother figure and God: an untouchable pillar of support. And now, as their God (we never see her aged face) lies comatose and dying in front of them, their entire system of belief comes into question.
This tired quest for happiness and adoration for friends and would-be lovers reminded me of Fellini, specifically his film 8 ½, or so I wrote when I reviewed this film on DVDFile.com many years ago. Nowadays, I see more of Ingmar Bergman (specifically his film "Wild Strawberries") in its fanciful and at times desperate analysis of life, death and loneliness. It's endlessly heartwarming in its admission of how important friends are. <...>
Once, while I was working at CPM, I was assigned to cut a trailer for Time Stranger. I was overjoyed – to be able to work on a film I respected so much was a rare luxury. I selected about 45 minutes of footage to work from, which is quite a lot, and sat down, trying to do the work justice.
After three days of editing, I gave up. I couldn't do it. The footage looked old and boring. The story sounded odd and nonsensical. The voice-over I had recorded didn't sound quite right. The music from the show was all too inappropriate for a trailer, so I had to use some lame stock music we had lying around. But more than that, I couldn't wrap my head around what made the film so great. Maybe I knew, but I sure as hell didn't know how to articulate it in a trailer.
Years later, when it came time to license stuff to show on ImaginAsianTV, I jumped at the chance to license Time Stranger, with the hope that I could share it with somebody – even one person – that would be as moved by it as I was. When I started my research for this piece, I found this review on IMDB, dated July 30, 2006:
“I am an old man and I've seen a million movies. I don't like anime… But late last night I saw "Time Stranger" on TV. I've been in hospital beds, opiated, nearly dying, and the depiction of Remy's dreams, living in the past, the present and the future all at once was startlingly familiar. Her fortitude, her courage, chambering her last round, tying the gun to her broken hand in the face of monstrous certain death, never giving up, never giving in, to the fight outside or to the struggle within herself! I wept when it ended.”
It's stuff like this that makes it all worthwhile.
I made an old man cry at a cartoon.
Снова Time Etranger
Я в шоке от собственной тупости. Ну кто-нибудь, кроме меня, мог догадаться с таким опозданием, почему Реми так спешит на встречу со старыми друзьями, и почему она вообще решила собрать всех вместе?
Йа тормоз.
UPD.: А вот весьма интересная рецензия на фильм (могу потом перевести, если нужно):
читать дальше
Йа тормоз.
UPD.: А вот весьма интересная рецензия на фильм (могу потом перевести, если нужно):
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